mardi 15 avril 2008

A very touching story

C'est fou les rencontres que l'on fait sur internet. Depuis quelques mois, je lis le blog de Julia. On ne se rencontrera très certainement jamais, elle habitant dans le Wisconsin, moi à New York, mais j'aime beaucoup son enthousiasme et ses histoires. Depuis 1 mois, elle relate l'histoire d'une de ses amies proches, Keri, âgée de 26 ans qui a découvert le 14 mars, il y a un mois tout juste, qu'elle avait le cancer du sein. 15 jours plus tard, elle s'est fait retirer les deux seins et depuis elle vit au jour le jour les mauvaises nouvelles: chimiothérapie, infertilité etc etc. Tout cela a 26 ans, et en l'espace d'un mois. Son histoire est résumée ci-dessous.

Sometimes life is so unfair. Keri is one of those people everyone loves to be around. Her charisma is undeniable and her positive attitude is contagious. Keri has always been a fighter, a leader, and a pillar of strength for those in her life.She is a down-to-earth, true Mid-western girl who has called Kansas, Missouri, and Indiana home. As a Physical Therapist, she makes her living by caring for others, and now is the time for us to return the favor.On March 14, 2008 Keri’s life changed forever. At the age of 26 she was diagnosed with Stage 3 breast cancer. On April 2, 2008 she underwent a bilateral mastectomy and began her fight with a disease that knows no limits. Her bright future is clouded with the cold hard facts: 8 rounds of chemotherapy, 6 weeks of daily radiation, multiple reconstructive surgeries, hormonal replacement therapy, and infertility treatments. When you attack cancer with chemotherapy and other estrogen suppressing drugs before you’ve had children, your dream of becoming a mother is jeopardized. Keri’s doctors have said her treatments will most definitely stop ovulation for the rest of her life, throwing her young body into menopause. So Keri will freeze her eggs to give her hope of having a baby—a procedure that comes with a $10,000 price tag but not covered by insurance.Helen Keller once said, “I am only one, but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something.”
If everyone who reads Keri’s story contributes to her fund the financial burden of cancer could be lifted from her shoulders. Any amount would be greatly appreciated and every dollar counts. Why not make a difference in someone’s life? And what better time than right now?
Please make your tax-deductible donation check to:
Keri Wilkie Breast Cancer Medical Fund
P.O. Box 833
Emporia, KS 66801
If you’d like to follow Keri’s online journal please go to:

1 commentaire:

  1. malheureusement cette maladie est bien trop courante chez les femmes jeunes, j ai perdu une amie il y a 2 mois a 24 fait reflechir...


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