On Saturday, March 28, 2009, at 8:30 pm, I am taking part in Earth Hour - a global event in which millions of people will turn out their lights to make a statement of concern about our planet and climate change.
I want to invite you to join, too! Sponsored by World Wildlife Fund, Earth Hour got started just two years ago and is now the largest event of its kind in the world. Last year, more than 50 million participated and the lights went out at the Empire State Building, the Golden Gate Bridge, the Sydney Opera House and the Coliseum in Rome, just to name a few. Even Google's homepage went black for the day!
In Israel, President Shimon Peres personally turned off lights in Tel Aviv.
This year, Earth Hour will be even bigger - already 250 cities in 74 countries have agreed to take part including Atlanta, Chicago, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, Miami and Nashville with more signing up every day. Around the world, cities like Moscow, Hong Kong, Mumbai, Shanghai and Mexico City will turn out their lights.
But Earth Hour isn't just for big cities - anyone can participate. To get a better sense of the event, check out this video:
To sign up, visit http://www.EarthHourUS.org where you'll learn more including ways you can spread the word about Earth Hour, plus creative things to do when the lights go out in case you need inspiration!
We want the US to turn out more lights than any other country in the world during this historic event so please pass this note along to anyone you think might want to take part. Let's all turn out and take action on March 28 at 8:30 pm.
A New York, les buildings suivants seront eteints a partir de 20h30:
Empire State Building, United Nations Headquarters, Citigroup Center, New York Life, Time Warner Center, New York Public Library, Brooklyn Borough Hall, Hearst Tower (mon building prefere!!!), The Coca-Cola Billboard in Times Square, NOKIA Theater Times Square, Novotel Hotel Times Square, Con Edison Clock Tower, The Lipstick Building, Grand Hyatt New York, Columbia University, PACE University, New York University, The City University of New York (CUNY), Building Owners and Managers Association, New York Green Building Council, Estee Lauder, Angels + Kings, Education Housing Services Residences, Mitsui Fudosan America, Inc., The Hippodrome Building, Gaby Restaurant
Et à Paris, c'est à 20h30 heure locale aussi! A vos interrupteurs! Infos ici.